Monthly Archive: June 2014

Listen to the Whispers

I can’t even begin to stress enough that, in order to have a healthy, productive garden, you must listen!  You must listen to others with more experience, and you must listen to your plants.  They whisper, they don’t yell, so you have to listen very carefully.  (Well, except for maybe when they are being eaten alive by slugs, because I swear they scream then.  Or maybe I’m just hearing myself.  Man I hate those slimy pigs!  Ugh).

It is so very important to hear what they are telling you.  If they are yellow and sad looking they may need a little feeding or, when you look closer, you might find they are sick.  They may also be telling you that you have chosen the wrong spot for them.  Just because you think they would look pretty in a certain spot doesn’t mean that is where they will flourish.  Take, for example, my spinach.  I thought it would grow beautifully in my vertical gutter garden.  It’s doing okay.


But on the end next to the deck, where it is fairly shaded, look how much better this plant is growing.  If I hadn’t slowed down and listened, I might have missed them telling me it’s too hot and sunny in this spot.


As for my carrot experiment using vermiculite?  I think it’s safe to say it was a success.  Look at all the carrot babies!!


Aren’t they cute??


Guess who is planting with vermiculite next year?  Yep.  This girl!  So glad I listened.


Want to see what else is happening in the garden right now?  We had a carrot top survive the winter in the compost and sprout months ago with the tomatoes and lettuce head.  Carrots are one of those plants that only go to seed their second year.  We’ve left it in this spot hoping that we might get some seeds to collect.  Look at what’s happening!  It’s getting ready to bloom!!


Someone else decided to grow from the compost too.  I have no clue what this is.  Cucumber?  Squash?  Pumpkin?  No idea.  It will be fun to watch and find out though.


I absolutely adore sweet peas.  I tried growing them for years, while my thumb was still pretty black, and never kept them alive long enough to bloom.  I think now that my thumb is a pale shade of green I might give them a try this fall or next year.  There is just something special about the swirly twirly little arms and beautiful, sweet flowers.  This is my second season with snap peas, and they are so pretty (and yummy) too!  Not quite the same, but the tasty treats they supply more than makes up for the lack of color and fragrance.




The kids flipped over these last year.  I wish we had gotten tons more planted.  Maybe next year…


This folks, is our cute little garden toad.  The kids have decided to call him “Croaker.”  The pup-sicle tried to eat him last night.  Well, maybe he was just chasing with the silly little hopping creature that was in his yard, but I swooped in to the rescue anyway.  No toad eating allowed here.


Our yard is full of dragonflies right now too.  I love the green ones the most, I think, but this one is awfully pretty too.  I had one of the green ones sit and pose for me a couple of years ago, while I took pictures til my heart’s content.  I’ll have to dig those out for you sometime.


I’ve been working so hard to get everything in the ground that I haven’t checked on the other plants in a while.  I was pretty darn excited to see this:


and this:


Are you kidding me?!?!  Baby grapes???  🙂


Almost missed the blossoms on the ground cherries.  This is my first time trying these, and I am so excited to taste them and see what they are all about.  Sometimes you read the description on a packet of seeds and just have to have them.  Or is that just me??  🙂


Grape Jellybean tomatoes.  I’ll take them over candy jellybeans any day!  They are my Little Dude’s absolute favorite.


Chamomile flowers.  These all reseeded on their own.  I really need to learn how to make my own chamomile tea.  I grew them last year just because they were pretty, but I am a big tea drinker, so I shouldn’t just let them go to the compost bin when they are done.


The radishes need pulling.  They are so fun to grow.  I just need to find something yummy to do with them now.  The only way I have ever eaten radishes is in salads.  There has to be something else to do with them, right?


They are just busting out!


Sungold tomatoes on the way!


Baby Round Zucchini were one of my favorites last year.


I am so looking forward to Saturday.  The kids’ last day of school is Friday, and this will be our first soccer-free weekend in months.  There will be lots of playing in the garden and just hanging out with the family.  I hope your weekend is wonderful and all of you Dads have a great Father’s Day!